In an unexpected yet poignant announcement, Laverne Cox has decided to step down as the host of E!’s live red carpet coverage after an impressive three-year reign. With the 2025 Golden Globes just around the corner, Cox reflected on her journey in a heartfelt Instagram post, expressing gratitude for the role that established her as a leading voice during awards season. The actress, who is now 52, emphasized her pride in the interactions she had with some of the entertainment industry’s most significant artists, illuminating their creative journeys amidst the glitter of Hollywood.
Cox has become synonymous with E!’s red carpet extravaganza since taking over from Giuliana Rancic in 2021. Her eloquent question, “What story are you telling with your outfit tonight?” became a hallmark of her interviews, encouraging stars to delve beyond mere surface appearances and engage in meaningful dialogue. This remarkable ability to foster connection made her a beloved figure among celebrities and audiences alike, transforming what could be a superficial moment into a captivating exchange of art and expression.
As Cox bids adieu to her hosting duties, fans and colleagues have taken to social media to express their admiration and sorrow. Messages flooded in, acknowledging her impact on the red carpet experience. Comments such as “All the stars will miss you, and so will we!” underscored how her presence capitalized on both glamour and substance, making award shows feel more intimate and engaging. Fellow E! News figure Keltie Knight shared her sentiments, stating, “You did the thing ✨ pleasure working with you queen,” highlighting the respect and affection Cox earned during her tenure.
While her departure signifies a loss for the network and audiences who appreciate her artistry, it also opens a new door for Cox. The actress is excited about future endeavors, including her upcoming comedy series, “Clean Slate,” on Amazon Prime. This transition demonstrates her commitment to growth and evolution as both an artist and public figure, and her excitement for new opportunities is palpable.
With Cox stepping aside, E! has welcomed new faces to take her place, including “Access Hollywood” star Zuri Hall and comedian Heather McMahan. The change invites a fresh dynamic to the red carpet events, although it will be impossible to overlook the void left by Cox’s charisma and authentic engagement. The anticipation surrounding the 2025 Golden Globes is tinged with nostalgia for her remarkable contribution, as viewers brace themselves for a different kind of interaction with Hollywood’s elite.
Laverne Cox’s decision to depart from the red carpet hosting role is not merely a farewell but a celebration of her achievements and a signal of what’s to come. As she embarks on the next phase of her career, she leaves behind a legacy that transformed the nature of red carpet interviews and set a new standard for celebrity engagement. Cox’s journey will undoubtedly inspire many as she continues to grow and blaze new trails in the entertainment industry.